saturday 30 november 3.00 pm rome hour
Ore 15.00 Greetings to the Authorities
3 ° draft for comments and proposals
Ore 15.30 Opening of the works Konstantin Apthikin Vincenzo Naso
15.40 Prof. Vladislav BEZRUKOV’s contribution to medical science over the past 50 years
Victor Holin CEO Institute of Gerontology NASU
16.10 The influence of climatic variations and air pollution on inflammation, pain and acute vascular disorder: the Pietracupa case study.
Luigi Campanella1, Pasquale Avino2, Francesca Pulcini3, Mauro Santilli3, Massimo Sperini3.
1Dep/ of Chemistry University of Rome La Sapienza, 2University of Molise Chair of Chemistry,
3BEM section CIRPS
16.40 Considerations on the interactions between the environment and the immune system, in the fight against acute and chronic infections, remembering the contribution of Vadm Berevzosky
Giulio Tarro Formerly Head of virology COTUGNO Hospital Naple
17.00 Can MEDICAL HYDROCLIMATOLOGY still be a primary tool for the prevention and integrated therapy of chronic diseases and urban pollution? Vincenzo Valenzi Section BIOMET Hydroclimatology & Quantum Chemistry CIRPS
17.20 Integrated Rehabilitation Strategies for PTSD and Panic Attacks in Times of War
Konstantin Apthikin PhD Kiev
17.40 Evoked potentials in the diagnosis of electrofunctional disorders and in therapy guidance
Odoardo M. Calamai Coordinator BEM SECTION CIRPS
18.00-18.20 The Miracle of Coherence in Life: from Molecular Genetics to human well-being on the mind, brain, body axis.
Madan Thangavelu, Mind Matter Unification Project, Cambridge University
18.2O- 18.40 Differential diagnostics in thoracic-abdominal pathologies of surgical interest 18.40-19.00 Differential diagnostics in brain pathologies of neuro-surgical interest “Nature is a book written in the language of Math…” Galileo
and Artificial Intelligence? Fulvio Bongiorno Formerly prof, Mathematical Analysis in the Faculty d’ Ingegneria Roma Tre.
Work in progress waiting for others contributions
Vincenzo Valenzi